Mar 25, 2013

Extract filezilla ftp password recent use,..mengextract password program ftp filezilla

Saya akan bercerita lagi ini,.
i want to tell you the story

Long time ago , i will make some event and i need several laptop for presentation , and than i borrow from it division,by theway i looked up at filezilla software
pada suatu hari saya ada mau bikin event, lah perlu laptop buat prensentasinya,  terus saya pinjem deh di divisi IT terkait eh, iseng iseng saya lihat aplikasi filezilla..

whatts,. there are many history about FTP server. i think  i have a jackpot
looked the picture bellow , so te first step i have the domain name and the user name,  so that way i need to find that passwords

loh kok di sana ada histori dari ftp2 data center,.. :-p  ,..
Serasa dapat jackpot,.. hehehehheehh... Niat Jahat mode On...
di situ terlihat ada dalamnya dan usernya dan host nya ,. kalau  begitu tinggal passwordnya donk..

dan terus di quick connect kalo kita pilih salah satu server,.. boom,, eh langsung masuk,..,
and than  from the softaware logic, conclude the softaware store some password in  the some where on the computer

di sini berarti ada penyimpanan password oleh file zilla tapi dimna,.
bentar lagi kalau acara selesai  lapto di ambil lagii,..
Hemmm Gimana yaww

Ok Lets find the passsword

find find find, use all posble software to find....

Search search seach cari, pakai software filemonitor reg monitor dan blabla bla bla,..

and than binggo ,. i found where it stored C:\Users\Three\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\ recentservers.xml

Binggo ketemu ,.. Ternyata file password di simpan  C:\Users\Three\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\ recentservers.xml

whatts no encrypts ,.. hemm it look yummy  :-p

Haizzz parahnya lagi tanpa enkripsi,... Hadewww,.. ini filezilla agak kacoo deh..... tapi ga apa dah,. aku udah dapat yang ku mau :-p

Evil Mode On

oke so that way becaraful if you use fillezilla , make sure you allway clear hystory after you connect to server,.Before you give your laptop to someone, its better you make sure you logout yoour facebook :-D

Sekian makanya ati2 kalao pakai filezilla kalau selesai connect clear historinya ,... apalagi kalao mau di pinjamkan orang jangan lupa facebooknya di logout dulu,.. :-D

Bye byee

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